Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Broke my computer charger.....

This is an explanatory post just to say that I broke my computer charger and therefore have been unable to upload pictures or take a reasonable amount of time to blog properly since February. Now there are 2 months left in my exchange and I have had 2 Bus Trips, visited a friend, had a friend come to visit me, tried sailing, shopped until I blocked my credit card, had my dad visit, rip 2 pairs of elastic jeans (that takes skill) and broke the zipper on one pair of regular jeans, broke my camera a little more *insert sad face* participate in a school concert and then sleep over at the high school on the weekend, and attend a punk concert for the experience. I'm sure there's more too... I mean almost 3 months have passed......

So this is how it's going to work. I will blog a new blog post on every single important event that has happened and if I can, I will try to get as many pictures up as possible via Facebook or transferring them directly from my camera to my blog (and to Facebook). If there is a blog post with an intense lack of pictures.... Well then check it in a few weeks and maybe I will have re-added more pictures. Get ready for a crazy amount of posts now; please check every day!

Bisous et merci à tout le monde !!!