FIRST: I MADE AN AWFUL MISTAKE IN MY LAST POST... I'd just like to say that my family does shower every day and so do I and we are clean people and I am SO SO SO sorry to any French people I offended. That was not the case or the purpose or the intention. Please forgive me.
Also, among the other mistakes I made, the facts about Pierre and Laurent were incorrect (my family laughed and said they would have Laurent re-explain the details to me but Laurent and Pierre are no family members), Baptiste's name is spelled like this, not as it was before, and my family does not drive quickly (only by French standards)!
I'd just like to point out of couple more differences between Canadian life and France life that I forgot before.
-The French love salt and put it on all of their vegetables.
-Potatoes are really common.
-The French don't like sports or exercise... here, I'm actually one of the good people at gym... fancy that.
-During the week... no one hangs out with friends. And it's not very common on the weekend either unless your friends live in your town because there are so many small towns (like Boundary Bay is to Tsawwassen... kind of.. and similar to what Ladner is to Tsawwassen) and as far as I know... no regular public transit, thus social engagements have to be planned ahead of time.
I have now been 3 weeks at school, and this upcoming Tuesday, one month in France! CRAZY! The two week point felt like forever.. and I was sitting in the living room thinking.. this is going to be SUCH a long year. And now I'm almost at one month and I'm thinking... Wow. That went by REALLY quickly.
I love my school. Even though its crazy long hours and super boring at times... the people are really nice, the boys are really cute, the food is delicious and I don't have to do anything in class. I'd say it's worth it! But I'm not going to begin to tell you all of my classes. My schedule is super confusing and different every day and I still don't know which classes I have on which day. I just, go with the flow! What I can tell you, is that I slept for 2 hours through a French test (literally slept with my head on the desk) and my Music teacher doesn't want me in her class (she thinks it's too difficult for me because I don't speak French and so she tried to convince me I'd have an easier time in math...
or English...
...Music it is!
After school I have to catch the bus home which normally wouldn't be much of a problem.. but you see, in France, every bus looks the same and there is no sign or spot or anything that makes the buses look different. So, at first I just stood in front of the buses waiting for someone to announce which buses was going where until I noticed that kids just magically knew which bus was there's and every time I asked them how they knew, or which bus was for Ploubzre, (my town), they just shrugged and said they didn't. WTF dude? Help me, I'm foreign! So then I went around asking each bus driver "Est-ce que c'est le bus pour Ploubezre?" >> "Is this the bus for Ploubezre?" Until I found the right bus. In fact, I did this every day until now I just look at the bus drivers and they just nod or shake their heads yes or no. After a couple days of this, I realized that it was the same bus driver each day, so on Wednesday, when we get out early at 12:00, I boarded the bus like a smarty pants thinking, "Oh, I know how this tricky French system works now." Only to have my bus driver stop me to tell me that she wasn't driving the bus to Ploubezre, but in fact, someone else was. WTF?!?!?! Why would they do that to me? I was the last one to board my bus and I had to practically run up to the bus before the doors were closed. Fabulous. Then, this past Wednesday, I forgot at which time the bus leaves and I missed my bus. So now I'm terrified to catch the bus on Wednesdays because I don't remember the driver's face or at what time my bus leaves. It's a pretty fun life I have here. I'll let you know how it goes this week.
Last weekend, my family surprised me and Lais with a trip to Mont Saint Michel! SO BEAUTIFUL! It was the first castle I have ever seen, let alone been in and I loved it. I took more than 400 pictures that day! Check Facebook for them haha because it takes too long and too much space to upload lots.
It was also nice because it was my host brother's birthday and so we stayed at the grandparent's house, (who are lovely, lovely people) and went digging on the beach for our clams for dinner (I think they were clams) and I got to meet some of the cousins and family and I got to see Margaree's family too.
I am currently getting over a cold that's been lingering since before Mont St Michel. It's always freezing, seriously freezing, in the mornings here and no matter how many layers I wear, I just can't keep warm. But then in the afternoon, its nice and sunny. I don't get it! It also didn't help when I was just about to get over the cold, I got off the bus in the morning and started walking to school and it started pouring, literally down pouring on me. I wasn't expecting rain and so I was wearing my non-waterproof jacket and was literally soaked through all my clothes and shoes by the time I reached school. Try trying your self off in a bathroom with only wet clothes. I had water dripping down my face and off my hair for a good couple of hours, and once again, I woke up the next morning sick. Right now, I'm fighting off a cough, a small running nose and I'm always freezing. Hopefully I will be better next week. I got persmission from my mother to buy a new warmer jacket :D I'm very happy about this.
The other day I saw Avenger's for the first time (finally) but it was in French, so I still have no idea what the movie's about.
Last night I watched Sherlock Holmes for the first time. I'd seen one of the movies before but it was never something I got into. But last night, I was shocked to discover how much I love it! Definitely going to be downloading some episodes to watch soon! Also, today I gave into peer pressure from a couple of my friends and started watching Pretty Little Liars because I had a lack of things to do... Love it so freaking much. Every girl should watch it! It's so good!
Today I Skyped my Great Aunt Shaun and Uncle Courtenay who live in Spain but have a chalet in Switzerland. They are so lovely and funny! They are so cute too! Hahaha. They were just like your classic married couple, jabbering to each other about this and that and how Courtenay has Facebook but "[he's] innocent because only Shaun uses the Facebook and she is brutally honest!" And at one point they started talking about how they don't like to edit pictures of people with red eyes because you can't ever get rid of the red eye and oh it was just lovely! They want me to visit them in either Madrid or Switzerland sometime this year! I think that would be nice but I haven't made any decisions yet.
Tonight, there is a party I've been invited to but I can't go due to some event including games with my family. I don't fully understand what's going on tonight but it will be fun. I think we are going to a friend's house for dinner.
Well that's all for now. Keep posted for more posts soon! Now here's a picture of a massive 5kg jar of Nutella I saw at Mont St Michel and a baby polar bear that almost killed me with it's cuteness. <3
Oh! And one last thing. My room is right beside the kitchen and so all the good smells from food in the kitchen go straight into my bedroom and no where else in the house and I don't know why but if I don't know what people are making for dinner... I just walk into my bedroom because it always smells so good!
Oh and one last last thing... No French person can pronounce my name. When I say my name, they look at me like you would if an Asian person said his or her name to you. So they other day I tried pronouncing my name with a French accent to my friends. I accidentally said, "Hello, my name is Booger." And everyone laughed at me. I don't like my name anymore because it's too close to the word booger.
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