Tuesday 25 September 2012

So I promised I'd write more!

Saturday night, as I said before, we went to a family friend's house to play games. It was lots of fun! There was this game where we had to slide these wooden hockey puck things down a runway looking thing and through holes into 4 boxes at the edge of the board. The goal of the game was to get the same number of pucks in each box and then multiply that number by 20 to get your score and any extra pucks in the boxes was added to the score as lonely extra points.

Then we played this card game where when you all took turns putting down a card and when you had the same colour or picture (or number) as another person, you had to grab this thing in the middle of the table. We got a little excited during the game...

...and broke the table.

Dinner that night was good! We ate tacos! Tasted like home :) and I got to talk with the kids of the family too. The whole family was lovely, but I spoke a lot with the son, Kvin, and his sister, Madleen. Kvin was very interested in learning English (which is awesome!) and Madleen was so so sweet! I also spoke with the father (I forget his name) but he spoke some English too. Other people who were there included the other younger sister (forget her name), the mother (forget her name), and Kvin's girlfriend, Manon (she was really sweet too, but I didn't get to speak with her too much).

>>I keep forgetting names... all the time. It's awful...

^this is me

^this is me too

^all the time

Sunday we had a rainstorm... woke up to what sounding like a stampede on the roof of my house and thunder. Looked out my window to see more rain coming down at once than I have ever seen before in my life. So I stayed under a blanket on the couch all day and watched Pretty Little Liars!

Monday was a windstorm... got blown over into the fence (literally) while walking from the bus stop to school. Bad hair day definitely...
But Monday wasn't a very good day. We had 2 tests that, yes, I knew about, but no, I didn't know how to write. I expected it to be similar to my last test in French where I wasn't expected to do anything. In music, (which I did study for but only in English because it was a test on Pink Floyd and I can't memorize information in French yet), I looked at the paper... knew how to answer some of the questions but not all of them. So I did my best and then looked around the class and realized people were writing paragraphs and pages of information. What?! After looking over my very pathetic, barely finished test and the questions... I decided I honestly didn't know what more I could write based on the information I knew in French. Sure... If I could have done the test in English, it would have been a lot easier. So I sat there for about half an hour, not doing anything before the teacher got mad and told me to come to the front of the class all on my own. I got the "Oh you're in so much trouble!" and "I'm so sorry/I feel bad for you." stares and sat down in front of my teacher. She looked at my test, made a couple "tut tut" noises and then got mad at me in front of the class for not studying for the test and how awful I'd done on it. Excuse me? But I don't speak French. I have no idea what to do. For about 10 minutes the teacher stood with me trying to make me do work that I honestly didn't know how to do. Now you have to understand me... I'm a perfectionist and I really hate not knowing what to do for my work... especially when in comes to something as easy as music or Pink Floyd. I was angry, sad, frustrated and I honestly felt like I was very unwelcome in that class. At the end of the test, I handed my paper to the teacher, apologized for not speaking French and therefore failing, and I left. In my history exam, it was a little easier because it was on what I had learned in Socials last year... but I'm sure I still failed because the French version of something is always different from the Canadian version and I only answered 4/8 questions... Couldn't and probably didn't get them all right but at least I tried.

Today, my music teacher assigned me and Lais tables at the front of the classroom with another girl who's really good at music for the rest of the year. This girl's name is Marine... she's really nice! Marine was also assigned to be our music tutor and we were informed that we did too badly on our tests for the teacher to even be able to mark them (thanks again for making me feel stupid in front of everyone -_- ) but at least she cares and wants us to succeed in her class and honestly, if there's any class I'm going to do well in, it will be English and Music.. because seriously... it's Music, not Math. Also today I had art and even though I'm not as creative as my teacher would like me to be, my art friends are creative and I'm artistic and I really like the class. Lais was thinking about dropping it but I'm going to stay... I really like the atmosphere and it's not like I'm ever going to take another art course.

~Oh, funny story: So in art today, we had to do an in class assignment and my friends and I were discussing what to do and while one girl was trying to translate the assignment to me in English, I saw this guy standing close to us listening to our conversation as though he was waiting for a minute to jump in and be part of the group... then he suddenly helped out with the translation and spoke perfect English with a British accent... I decided he was an average guy (for France standards which means in Canada standards he'd be cute) before the accent but after the accent, I was like... oh hey! Who are you? Very briefly, he told me he spoke English because he lived in England for a bit and asked me where I was from and why I was here. Then my French friend asked him what grade he was in and he replied: I'm a teacher. OOPS! Wrong guy to think is cute... We all laughed and then went on with our project but I'm sure if he was a teacher... he was new at it because he was laughing with us and following us around all class and that is NOT the right attitude for a teacher here... but of course... that's just my luck.

Tomorrow, school lets out at 12:00 and at 3:30 I'm going into town with a friend who speaks English really well because he is going to show me around so that I don't get lost if I ever want to go into town with Lais without a guide. *I promise I will not only bond to English speakers. I have many French speaking friends with whom I speak French with and my French is improving! I just don't want to get lost because I misunderstood French directions!*

haha okay I think I've been anti-social enough for one night... Off to watch The Mentalist in French! :D This is the 4th week in a row I've watched this and, just like all the other French TV shows... I still have no idea what this show is about.

Oh.. and this is Ian Harding. I love him <3 He's from Pretty Little Liars.

I really apologize for my immature, hormone crazy, 14-year-old self coming back temporarily - but I just can't help it. I mean, look at him. He's adorable.

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