Friday 4 January 2013

New Years and a little more personal feelings. This is a blog after all...

Pictures from Christmas will come... I know I am late... it's just that there's so many.... and pictures take a really really long time. :( I also actually have a lot to do. Let me break it down for you before I jump into New Years. In fact lets start at the front and move backwards... that makes the most sense, yes? No? Deal with it and read this post from the bottom up then!

I switch families in 2 days! ~ Aggghhh!!! Am I happy? Am I sad? I don't know! I'm really sad to leave...

I like my family, I'm going to miss seeing them everyday I'm going to miss discussing nail polish and cute boys with Constance and my tickling war with Baptiste (Je te voir Baptiste... toujours... toujours...). I'm going to miss Sandrine's cooking and her funny little things that make her who she is, like the fact that she very honestly can't spend an hour without cleaning something! I'm going to miss the movies we watch every now and then, and having random guests come by every once in awhile which isn't unsimilar to my life in Canada. I'm going to miss this beautiful, stunning house, and my warm and cozy bedroom. I'm going to miss my buses in the morning and evening, and the lovely, lovely extended family and friends I've grown to love.

However, on the other hand I'm excited to start living with my next family. They are different and I think it's going to be good for my exchange to have that experience. I'm excited to live by the beach again. I like my next family too. I haven't talked much about them. They are nice! It's a single father house with 2 kids. The third daughter, Mailys is in Miami, FL. on her exchange. From what I know, my 14 year old host sister loves music and my host brother is quiet but likes to ski. My host dad is nice and funny! But I'm so nervous! I'm scared about the first meals together, about how weird it will be to be in Lais' bedroom and call it my bedroom. I'm scared for a new schedule and a new bus! I'm terrified for the bus actually! Lais got lost before! But I will handle that.

In conclusion... I am really mixed with my feelings about this exchange. Not unfamiliar to my feelings before leaving for France... I just can't picture it. I can't picture not being here any more, not sitting at this table, or seeing this living room, not seeing my siblings. This is a little weird! But it is part of my exchange and so on behalf of Rotary and everything they stand for, I am going to embrace this change with the best of my ability.

Moving on... backwards... I went swimming yesterday and I bought a new shirt. My arms still hurt from swimming though... Slept at Lais' last night too and we watched a movie, Pitch Perfect... really good! Very funny! There were some really good lines in that script. I recommend if you're in the mood for a laugh, light, musical!

NEW YEARS! Well it was unexpected. I didn't go to a special New Year's party, or do a count down or anything like that. And actually, for the first time in 4 years, I did not start the year off by plunging myself into the icy ocean waters in the Polar Bear Swim. We don't do that in France.

Actually, New Years was interesting. It started off like Christmas, we ate a ton. Fois gras is my faaaaaaaav <3 And we were playing some really fun games with the kids and my French was just rocking that night! I understood everything and spoke with so much ease! And then at 11:30 at night, before the main dinner course... the power went out! And it stayed out. The woman cooked the rest of the dinner by candlelight in the kitchen and the kids played with flash lights and night vision goggles! I loved the night vision goggles! I wandered the house using them for an hour. It was weird, I could see the green vision through them but then as soon as you looked away, you couldn't see anything! Just pitch black! The kind of thing where I would look away from the goggles, get scared by not knowing my surroundings, look through the goggles again and calm down! There was no count down to my disappointment and I'm fairly sure everyone was a little weirded out by my over excitement in saying: 3 minutes! 2 minutes! 1 minute! BONNE ANNEE!!!! But a couple minutes after the new year, we all bisoused eachother, saying bonne annee, and continued on with whatever we were doing... which at that point wasn't much considering the dark. The power didn't come back on until 12:30 the next day! I like Boursin, okay? But this isn't for the cheese. This is what I wore on New Years!


The French like chocolate, wine and champagne.


^ That's a little too far back...

We left Paris and went to Magalie's house for New Year's and I actually just really truly love it there. I just love it. We also had an aunt come with her family for New Year's. The aunt with the 2 young girls. I love her! And her children! So cute! Her husband is really nice too, but I haven't talked to him much. I actually cried when we left Magalie's house. I'm not a public crier. I'm just not. France, what are you doing to me?

Before we left, I got to walk around Fougeres and see a bit of the town. After I made pancakes for breakfast! Or was that the day before...

I actually have pictures of this but I lost them! Good job Courtenay, smart cookie.

Damn. Okay well I guess those will go up with Christmas.

Oh right... This weekend I have to make a presentation for Rotary, yikes! Do my monthly update to Rotary, pack up my life into 2.5 suitcases, then unpack it all, and upload pictures onto my blog! Call my bank and try to get a new card! and I know there's more but just wow... Well, talk soon!

Oh, PS my grandmother's dog is being put to sleep tomorrow.... We will miss you so much Maya. RIP. Best and most beautiful blonde little pomerarnian ever. You will be remembered. Gaga, I'll be thinking of you this week. Sending my love, wish I could be there with you for this <3 xoxo

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