Friday 28 December 2012

Paris Day 3

So today... was mostly chill.

We didn't actually leave the house until about 3:30. We went to go and see the Montmartre. There was a crazy large number of stairs to climb, for those of you who know Tsawwassen, not unsimiliar from Fred Gingell, just more urban. Of course, after climbing the staris, we saw that right beside the stairs, there was a Gondella. Of course.



Then there was a guy doing a street performace. It was really cool!! But random... I have trouble understanding his reasoning behind trying what he did in the first place. "Let's climb this lamp post on the edge of a cliff that looks out over the entire city and hold onto it with only 1 hand and spin a soccer ball on a straw sticking out of the mouth... sure, why not?!"

It's a really, really beautiful church. The inside was just exquisite. I wish I could have taken photos, but it's forbidden here to take photos inside the churches. The outside was stunning too and had a really nice overview of the city... unfortunately, the Eiffel tower was out of view for this photo. Paris' streets I think are more beautiful than Vancouver, but I still think Vancouver has a prettier skyline.

Inside, there was the most stunning portrait of Jesus that I have ever seen. He was there, holding his arms out and there were people around him and he had a halo of gold around his head. In fact, his whole body was outlined in gold. I'll steal a picture from the internet for you :)

The pictures really don't do it justice, you have to see it in real life if you go to Paris. It's just breathtaking... the kind of thing where you could sit in the benches in front of it and just stare at it in awe. I, by the way, did not sit in the benches and pray or stare at it in awe, there were too many people and I was separated from my group and so they would have lost me and worried if I had. I wanted to sit though, there's something different about being in churches and chapels here. It's very spiritual and has a very different feel from the rest of Paris.

We then walked around and found a market and people drawing paintings of people. I got really excited because it was the exact place that I had Googled back in Spring and used as a cover picture on Facebook.

Cover picture:

My photo:

Then, we were supposed to go to see the Eiffel Tower and meet up with another Canadian exchange student, but we had a change of plans because it was getting late and Constance and Anais wanted to go shopping before the stores closed. There are 2 nail polish colours they have desperately been searching for for days, and Anais wanted to buy (and did buy) probably 10 books or so... and Constance wanted a special trunk to keep her nail polish in. I got to use the metro more! It's honestly like a freaking maze down there... I'll film it for you tomorrow. And I bought 2 more nail polish colours. I think I should stop that now... It is starting to become an unhealthy expense even if I only buy nail polish at good prices... like OPI at 5 Euros less than the normal cost.

After shopping, we stopped in to see L'Hotel du Sulley. It's really pretty.

I feel like there is more to write about but I can't think of what for the moment... Tomorrow Eiffel Tower and hopefully the inside of Notre Dame :D The highlight of this Paris trip I hope!!!

OH! And today marks 4 months in France!

Bonne nuit (:

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